If you never seem to find the time or motivation to make your big dreams and goals happen, don’t worry there are some super easy ways you can use digital planning to achieve your goals that anyone can do.
We all know that planning is a great way to get your life organized and be more productive.
It can be easy to use daily and weekly digital planning templates to make sure we tick off those to-do lists and not miss appointments
But what about making those big Goals and dreams happen?
Life is hectic and sometimes it can feel like we are just keeping our heads above the water just to survive the basic day to day living. Those BIG life changing goals can seem too overwhelming to fit in amongst all the daily chores.
In fact it has been proven that nearly 92% of people don’t achieve goals they make in the New Year. But there are a few really easy ways you can keep your day to day productive and organized while still making your bigger goals and reams a reality.
Anyone can do them, and these little steps will turn into big things that will enhance your life. Let’s find out what they are!
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How To Use Digital Planning To Achieve Your Goals
1. Set The Right Goals
A goal is pretty much just a wish unless you set them correctly.
There are a few secrets to setting goals you can make a reality.
Firstly make sure they are SMART goals ( an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Frame). You also need to know your reason for wanting this goal to be a reality. Knowing your ‘why’ really helps motivate you to keep on track.
We have a whole post on goal-setting that you will want to read to make sure you are setting yourselves the best goals possible. Find it below.
What To Do In Your Digital Planner:
- Write your goal clearly somewhere prominent in your digital planner.
- Break your goal down into small and manageable action steps. These may be daily, weekly, monthly, or even all three mini-goals. Add these to the relevant pages in your planner. You could add them as habits to track, appointments with yourself or on your to-do list. Be sure to have set target times these MUST be done by.
- Be sure to have a reminder why you want this goal to become a reality. You could add a digital sticker with a quote that you find motivating or maybe add a vision board or image to your digital planner.
2. Track And Review Your Progress
If you have been using your digital planner for a while you are probably already have a planning habit in place. If not then it’s a great idea to start one.
Simple pick a time of day that best suits you to have around 5 to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time. Some people love to do this in the morning with their first coffee of the day. Others like to do this as the last thing at night. There is no right or wrong, and you can experiment until you find the time that works right for you.
Take this time to plan what needs to be done for the day a head, or next day. Then take a look at the past day. What did you achieve, what didn’t work out? What needs to be moved to the next days to-do list. Are there ways you can tweak your routine or schedule to make things run smoother. Are you on track with your goals? Make any changes if you have over estimated what you can do to work towards these in your action steps.
What To Do In Your Digital Planner:
- If you don’t have a planning habit, start one.
- Make an appointment with yourself ( we love to set a timer on our phone to remind us to do this) to check in and review how you are going on working towards your goal. It’s a great idea to make this part of your daily, weekly and monthly planning.
- Tweak. Life isn’t perfect. Sometimes things don’t go to plan, or maybe you set an unrealistic time-frame for an action step ( it’s human nature to do this). This is why it’s important to review how you’re going. Just make changes to your action steps as you go to be sure you are always moving towards those dreams.
3. Use The Right Digital Planner And Templates

Our last final tip to use digital planning to achieve your goals is to use the right digital planner and templates.
If you are just starting out with digital planning it can be overwhelming choosing a digital planner that suits your needs, and then when you finally find one you love there can seem like a whole heap of pages in each planner!
Firstly, if you have a digital planner already or have found one you love but it all feel’s a little too much remember you do not need to use every feature! Simply start out with a few pages that you find most useful and help you work towards your goals. Then as you get used to digital planning and find it easier to use, start to use more pages as you go.
If you have not found the perfect planner for you then start by noting down what things you most need help with in getting your life organized. Think about what things you find difficult to keep track of, things you often forget, where you want to make improvements and of course what your goals are. Then take a look on sites like Etsy using keywords for features you really want.
You may find a whole digital planner you love, or you may decide you just need a couple of digital planner templates to get you started. You can even learn how to make your own digital planner on canva here.
Another great option, if you really want to make your goals a priority is to use a Digital Goal Planner. You can find out more about this by clicking the button below.

Anyone can do these simple ways to use digital planning to achieve your goals. And even if it takes you a little while, with a great plan in place you know that you are on your way to making those exciting big dreams of yours a reality.
Happy Planning.
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